« La Reine du tricot », grande couturière, Sonia Rykiel est morte aujourd’hui à l’âge de de 86 ans, a annoncé sa famille à l’AFP ce jeudi 25 août.
« Ma mère est décédée cette nuit à Paris, chez elle, à 5 heures du matin, des suites de la maladie de Parkinson », a déclaré sa fille Nathalie Rykiel.
Sonia Rykiel avait commencé sa carrière comme étalagiste en 1948. Puis elle a fondé, en mai 1968, la griffe Sonia Rykiel. La grande couturière avait joué son propre rôle dans le film de Robert Altman, « Prêt à porter », tourné durant la semaine de la mode à Paris au printemps 1994.
Ci-après 10 citations inspirantes de Sonia Rykiel:
I am what I am. Before I was not so proud to make fashion. My family thought fashion wasn’t very interesting. So I hid that. Sonia Rykiel
You have to be luxurious nude. It’s difficult to move in the nude in front of a mirror. It’s much easier to move when you’re dressed. But if you can walk around in the nude easily in front of your man, if you can be luxurious in the nude, then you’ve really got it. Sonia Rykiel
My shows are about the complete woman who swallows it all. It’s a question of survival. Sonia Rykiel
The key to my collections is sensuality. Sonia Rykiel
I think in the darkest moments, we need a break. Sonia Rykiel
It’s useless to send models out on the runway to cry. Sonia Rykiel
First I made a dress because I was pregnant and I wanted to be the most beautiful pregnant woman. Then I made a sweater because I wanted to have one that wasn’t like anyone else’s. Sonia Rykiel
People said making clothes inside out was not proper. I disagreed, because clothes that are inside out are as beautiful as a cathedral. Sonia Rykiel
French fashion designer Sonia Rykiel poses at the Palais Royal garden in Paris on March 21, 1984. AFP PHOTO / AFP PHOTO
Being one step ahead of a fashion trend is not so important to me. What matters is to always forge ahead. Sonia Rykiel
I love chocolate. Black chocolate with marshmallow inside, caramel inside. If I could only have two foods, I’d take some fantastic chocolate. And some terrible chocolate. I love the Clark Bar. Sonia Rykiel